Discovery Bible Study Questions:
LOOK BACK - What are you thankful for this week? How did last week's application goal go?
LOOK UP - Open in prayer. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak through His Word.
> Review the ground rules:
- Stick with the text.
- Participate, but don't dominate.
- Let the scripture be the teacher.
> Read the passage slowly out loud. Then reread it silently individually, marking what stands out to you.
> As a group, summarize the passage.
> Discussion: What stands out to you most and why?> Consider these additional questions:
- What do we learn about God? People?
- What universal principles are here?
- Is there an error to avoid or an example to learn from?
LOOK FORWARD - What are some possible applications from this passage? Write down your personal "I will seek to..." application, then share it with the group.
Close with prayer.