Discipleship Groups

3-4 disciples of the same gender from Compass Church who covenant together to encourage one another to follow Jesus.

With God’s help, I will seek to:
  • Meet once a week for at least one hour, unless genuinely hindered.
  • Contribute to an atmosphere of confidentiality, honesty, openness and encouragement.
  • Give and receive scriptural correction.
  • Be held accountable for the goals I set for myself.
  • Pray for one another.
  • Pray about who I could replicate this process with.

The following questions revolve around helping one another obey everything Jesus commanded by growing in the Word, prayer, community and mission.

C.A.R.E. Questions:

Connect - What is a highlight, a way you’ve seen God at work, or a struggle that you’ve had this week?

Apply - Read a passage of scripture together and discuss what stood out to you from God’s Word that you’d like to apply to your life?

Study a passage of scripture using R.E.A.D.
  • Read The Text. 
  • Examine The Context. 
  • Agree On The Author's Intent. 
  • Do What it Says.  

Review - How are your personal goals going? Who can you encourage or point to Jesus this week? How will you?

End With Prayer - What happened with last week’s prayer requests? How can we pray for you this week? Pray for one another.