Volunteer Roles
Hospitality Team:
Service Set Up (before church): Help set-up our worship experience (chairs, signs, pipe & drape) so anyone coming can experience a comfortable welcoming environment to explore faith.
Hospitality Set-Up: Set up the welcome booth and coffee bar.
Name Tags: Help everyone get a name tag so it is easier for them to connect with others.

Programs: Make sure every person receives a program containing sermon notes, a connection card, and ways they can further plug-in at Compass.
Ushers: Welcome guests outside & inside, set out extra chairs as needed, pass around offering baskets.

Hospitality Tear-Down: Take down the welcome center, clean up the coffee, take out trash.
Service Tear Down (after church): Clean up the building, throw out trash, pack up everything in the truck or put in designated storage areas.

Worship Team:
Lights, Making Slides or Running Slides: Make sermon slides during the week, and run powerpoint on Sunday morning.

Worship Team: Musicians & singers come early to practice and play 3 songs throughout the service. Help congregation engage in musical worship.
Sound / Video: Run the sound board & manage live stream video. Do a sound check before service, and manage sound during service.

Kids Ministry Team:

Teacher: Help teach the kids at church (infant - 5th grade). Kids will have worship, a short lesson, and a couple fun activities.
Helper: Assist the main Kids teacher. Help kids engage in the short lesson, and help with activities.
Interested in joining any of these teams? Complete the form below!